4 Ways to Celebrate Beef Month in a Big Way

May is National Beef Month. While we support the beef industry all year long, May is the time it’s highly recognized around the world. Here are 5 ways to celebrate beef month this May:
If you’re a cattle producer, this is a perfect time to start sharing your story. Whether it’s in person or on social media, talk about your life as a farmer or rancher. Post pictures and allow people a glimpse into your daily life. Share videos of mixing feed, calves or cattle out on pasture. Allow consumers to view what life on a farm truly looks like and explain why you choose this lifestyle.
If you don’t understand where someone is coming from, ask questions. Don’t assume that everyone knows the process from farm to table. Remember, farm and ranch families comprise less than 2% of the U.S. Once you figure out exactly what they do or don’t know, then you can educate them on a variety of the practices that happen on the farm.
Incorrect statements are constantly showing up on the media. Combat this issue by sharing the facts. Check out the Animal Ag Alliance if you aren’t 100% sure on the numbers, as they are a great resource. To get you started, here are a few great facts to share provided by Animal Ag Alliance:
- While farm and ranch families comprise less than 2% of the U.S. population, they work each day to provide these products to 100% of the general public
- 1 U.S. farm is able to feed 166 people
- Methane emissions from cattle are recycled in a natural process known as the biogenic carbon cycle
- Beef production accounts for approximately 2% of U.S. GHG emissions
- You would have to eat 600 calories of peanut butter or quinoa to get the same amount of protein in a 170-calorie serving of beef
- One 3-ounce serving of beef provides about 50% of your recommended daily value of protein
Customer’s eating experience can make or break their decision on how they will purchase food in the future. As you’re getting the grill out this summer, stop and think how you season, cook and what types of food you pair with each of your beef products. If you don’t have any yummy recipes, checkout Beef It’s What’s For Dinner, as they share a variety of great options on the daily. This small effort can make a big difference in someone’s life, as it will create a better experience for them.
Whether it’s National Beef Month or not, these are all great practices to incorporate into your daily life to showcase the beef industry. Farming and ranching aren’t just jobs that bring you income. They’re a lifestyle that you choose to live with hopes of passing all that you’ve worked for down to the next generation.
And if you don’t tell the story, then who will?