How to Prevent Vet Visits for Your Cattle
Having healthy cattle is essential to any successful farm or ranch. But taking your cattle to the vet can be expensive and time-consuming. Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to help prevent your cattle from needing unnecessary veterinary care. Keep reading to learn more.
1. Provide Preventative Care
The first step in preventing vet visits is providing regular preventative care for your cattle. This includes giving them routine vaccinations, deworming medications, hoof trimming, and other services as recommended by your veterinarian. Regularly checking on the health of your animals yourself is also important; look for signs of illness such as coughing, lethargy, weight loss, or changes in appetite or behavior that may indicate a problem. Additionally, providing adequate food and clean water will help keep your herd healthy.
2. Provide a Comfortable & Safe Environment
Another way to reduce vet visits is by making sure the environment your cattle live in is comfortable and safe. An overcrowded living area can lead to increased stress levels and injury risk while a lack of shelter can make the animals more susceptible to weather-related ailments like hypothermia or frostbite during cold months. Additionally, fencing should be secure enough so that predators cannot enter the enclosure easily – this will reduce injury risks among the animals caused by fighting off attackers or fleeing from them in panic.
3. Prevent the Spread of Flies
Finally, cattle owners can control the spread of flies to prevent illnesses or injuries within their herd. To protect the health of their livestock, cattle producers need to know the best and most efficient cattle fly control products. Our JustiFLY® line of products for fly control breaks the life cycle of all four common types of cattle flies. JustiFLY® is available in several feedthrough options such as feed/mineral additives, salt blocks, and liquid feed additives. Our JustiFly® products are also EPA-approved for pasture cattle, feed yard cattle, and both beef and dairy cattle.
By following these steps you’ll be able to better protect the health of your herd while reducing costly vet visits at the same time! With the combination of routine preventive, adequate fly control, and natural treatments (where appropriate), you’ll be able to ensure that your cattle remain healthy without breaking the bank on vet bills.